
Monday, August 31, 2009

Darn the Promotion, Full Speed Ahead!

It's Monday, I have my work schedule in front of me (one I created, so I have no room to whine) and I'm tripping right along. Already did several items on my list and now it's down to posting to my blog (which I'm doing right here), some time promoting my Ebook, Out Of Thin Air, and some time to be spent working on my romance novel.

I really want to be working on my newly revised/old screen script idea, but I didn't put that on my list, and if I'm not careful I can get pretty scattered.

It's amazing what we do as writers that we don't feel like doing. I mean, don't most folks think writers are free to sit around all day and write whatever comes into their heads? Well, at least a goodly number of them do.

So, as I ramble here a bit I'm actually planning in my head what promotion items I'm going to tackle today. I try to do at least one and usually two or three small things a day to promote a book that's already 'out there'. I have a website for my Ebook, I'm selling it through Booklocker as well. I've promoted locally and through some newsletters on the web.

There are free book listing sites on the web as well. Some better than others, but I'm going to list with a number of them. I've already listed with the Goodreads Author Program and I have a page at Amazon's Author Central which I will have on a list to update soon.

Today I think I'll send out a press release regarding the release of Out Of Thin Air - most likely to Open PR as it is a free press release site and a good place to start.

And all that's just for the Out of Thin Air, the Ebook geared to helping new and young writers. I'll be doing some work to tie in some of my other releases such as Stormrider and To Hell and Back, both Ebook releases with Fictionworks, and The Eye of The Hawk, a Hardcover release by Five Star Publishing. (if you scroll further down this blog you'll see photos of the fabulous covers so no need to stick them in here again). Wait, I take it back, here's To Hell and Back cover.

Now all of this is a general pain in the neck (and other places), granted, but for today's author, a necessity. So grouse and grumble all you like, but remember to make time for promotion when you're a writer - and not just for one day, but as a steady, scheduled necessity.

And now that I've gotten you on the right track, time for me to actually do the work.

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